best testosterone natural testosterone boosters

5 Best Testosterone Boosters To Build Muscle And Increase Libido

Written By : Rohit Dwivedi, M.D.   ✓ Fact Checked

Comprehensive review of the 5 best testosterone boosting supplements 2023 that will increase your muscle, libido, energy and self-esteem. Read now!

(Last Updated on July 30, 2024)

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Do you wish you had more muscle? How about having a 6-pack? Or what it would it mean to you, to perform better in the bedroom?

Then this review is for you!

Testosterone1 is the hormone that gives men their masculinity and virility- strength, muscle and high sex drive.

Unfortunately as men age their testosterone levels naturally go down.

This can also be exacerbated by illness, stress, weight and bad health habits.

Low quantity of this hormone leads to low libido, weak erections, loss of muscle mass and low self-esteem.

Fortunately, there are ways to counter these effects and bring testosterone levels back up.

Que in testosterone boosting supplements!

Have you been experiencing some of the issues described above?

Are you looking for a testosterone booster but unsure of where to start?

Do you want to feel as energetic and sex ready as you did in your 20’s?

If you have answered yes to these questions, look no further.

We have reviewed the market and bring you our 5 top rating testosterone boosters in 2023.

Best supplements that boost testosterone level

The testosterone boosting supplement market is no doubt big, and available products can be confusing.

You must be wondering which product will actually give you the desired results.

We have done all the research and taken the guesswork out of it.

Here are our best testosterone boosting supplements.






Ingredients Quality




Product Effectiveness




Brand Reputation




1. Testogen


Testogen is a safe, testosterone boosting supplement made from 11 natural ingredients.

The manufacturer, Wolfson Berg Ltd is a well-known supplements maker based in the UK and Cyprus.

It has been in the market for 5 years where it has remained a top performer going with the many positive reviews online.

It is sold in 80 countries worldwide.

It promises to deliver the following:

  • More energy and stamina.
  • Improved muscle size.
  • Sharper focus and concentration.
  • Reduced body fat.
  • Improved libido.

Testogen is available from

For best results you should take 4 capsules every day before breakfast.

The manufacturer recommends taking a break from the supplement every few months to allow your body to function without a boost.

This supplement is made from natural ingredients and has no side effects.

How does it work?

testogen t-booster

  • Testosterone levels have been known to decline with age.
  • With this decrease fatigue, low libido and loss of muscle mass follows.
  • Testogen counters this effect with11 ingredients added in optimum amounts for the best results.
  • One of the ingredients, Magnesium, was found to increase testosterone levels 26% in men taking it every day for a month.
  • Vitamin K1 and Bioperine help the body to absorb the other ingredients efficiently.
  • D- Aspartic Acid2 was seen to boost testosterone levels by up to 45% and Testogen contains a generous amount of it.
    In short, this supplement works by raising testosterone levels in the body.
  • This in turn increases strength, muscle mass, energy, libido and stamina.
  • The manufacturer has been improving the formula over time, increasing the amounts and bioavailability of the products.

Pros and cons


  • Increases the production of testosterone in the body.
  • Improves libido.
  • Boosts energy and mood.
  • Made natural ingredients therefore safe.
  • Contributes to growth of muscle mass.
  • Money back guarantee.
  • Good discounts if buying multiple bottles.
  • Free training and nutrition guides with every purchase.


  • Requires taking 4 capsules at a go.
  • Expensive if only buying one bottle.

2. Testofuel

Testofuel natural testosterone boosters

Testofuel is another powerful testosterone booster that promises to have you looking like a body builder in no time.

The makers believe that low testosterone deprives your body of the ability to build muscle.3

This supplement is therefore purposefully formulated to increase your testosterone levels with the goal of helping you build muscle.

It is formulated from 9 well researched natural ingredients, which is why it’s one of the best natural testosterone boosters.

The maker is Roar Ambition, a supplements company based in the UK.

It promises to deliver the following:

  • Real muscle growth.
  • More strength.
  • Reduced body fat.
  • Better moods.
  • Higher self-esteem.

Testofuel is available on

For maximum results you should take 4 capsules per day with a meal.

How does it work?

testofuel pills natural testosterone boosters

  • Testofuel works by aiding your body to release its own testosterone.
  • Normally, your body releases testosterone for different roles.
  • For one reason or another it can be less than your body needs, especially if you are involved in strenuous activities.
  • Testofuels well researched ingredients work together to help your body increase its testosterone levels.
  • This supplement also limits cortisol in the body, which in turn limits the rate of muscle breakdown that takes place.
  • When these levels go up you can expect more muscle growth, more energy and faster recovery during your work outs.

Pros and cons


  • Boosts testosterone production in the body.
  • Increases energy and muscle mass.
  • Uses natural, tested ingredients.
  • Money back guarantee for 90 day package.
  • Good savings on buying 3 bottles.
  • No negative side effects.


  • Confusing/misleading return policy.
  • Only available online.

3. Prime Male

Prime Male natural testosterone boosters

If you are over 30 years old, this testosterone booster is for you.

Prime Male is specifically made for men who are over 30 years old.4

Research shows this is the age when testosterone levels start going down in men.

It promises to deliver the following:

  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Reduced belly fat.
  • Increase libido.
  • Better regulation of blood sugar.
  • Sharper focus.
  • Improved cardiovascular health.
  • Improved moods and confidence.
  • Stronger bones.
  • Healthier skin.
  • Improved prostate health.

Prime Male is available

For the best results you should take one capsule four times a day, with a meal.

Recommended times are during breakfast, 11am, 2pm and during dinner time.

How does it work?

prime male pills natural testosterone boosters

Prime Male works by addressing 3 main areas that slow down the production of testosterone in the body.

Each ingredient works in tandem with others to deliver results.

  • D- Aspartic Acid and Boron help the body to release more testosterone.
  • Red Korean Ginseng is an ancient aphrodisiac that improves libido and erection quality.
  • Luteolin blocks the production of the female hormone estrogen, making you all manly.

The combination of testosterone boosters, minerals, amino acids and aphrodisiacs will give you more energy, vitality and strength within no time.

Pros and cons


  • Well tested, powerful ingredients.
  • Effective dose in each ingredient.
  • Increases testosterone, energy, muscle mass and libido.
  • Money back guarantee.
  • No reported side effects.


  • Expensive when buying one bottle.
  • Only available from the official website.
  • Not suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

4. Testo-Max

Testo Max

Testo Max is a potent T-booster that contains natural ingredients, which boost natural testosterone levels.

It claims to be a legal substitute to Sustanon- an anabolic steroid.

Testo Max promises to give you more muscle gains, strength, and stamina.

This testosterone booster has ranked as one of the best T-Booster in the industry due to its choice of high quality clinically proven ingredients.

It is suitable for all adult men, especially those who have low testosterone levels.

It is manufactured by Crazy Bulk – a company that prides in making legal steroids alternatives.

You should expect the following benefits:

  • Increased energy.
  • Improved strength and stamina.
  • More muscle gains.
  • Enhanced sex drive and performance.
  • Fast recovery.
  • Fast results –less a two weeks.
  • Supports bulking and cutting cycles.

Testo Max is available on

For maximum results, you should take four capsules, about 20 minutes before your breakfast every day.

Workouts should be cycled: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off.

The dosage should be taken on both workout and non-workout days.

Testo Max has no side effects.

How does it work?

testo-max testosterone booster

Testo Max focuses on stimulating the body to produce more testosterone.

Testosterone is responsible for increased muscle size, more energy, improved strength, and better performance.

Testo Max contains D-aspartic acid –an amino acid that accelerates the release of luteinizing hormone. This hormone is responsible for the production of testosterone.

This testosterone booster has the highest dosage of D-aspartic acid -2352mg- in the market.

What’s more?

It contains ten other ingredients that boost free testosterone, improve recovery, increase libido, and inhibits the production of estrogen- the female hormone. 

Pros and cons


  • Legal and safe alternative to Sustanon.
  • Clinically proven ingredients.
  • Can be used in both bulking and cutting cycles.
  • Contains potent ZMA ingredients.
  • Free worldwide shipping.


  • Quite pricey.
  • Only available online.

5. TestRX


TestRX is yet another potent testosterone booster which comprises of all-natural and evidence-based ingredients.

It targets to increase the natural production of testosterone, which improves protein synthesis for more muscle growth.

It is manufactured by Leading Edge Health, a cGMP compliant company in the US.

The manufacturer believes that the significant causes of testosterone depletion lie in a lack of quality sleep and inadequate essential minerals in the body.

TestRX will give you the type of sleep you require and supply your body with the vital minerals that will maintain high testosterone levels.

Here the benefits you can expect

  • Bigger muscles.
  • Increased energy.
  • Faster recovery.
  • Improved virility.
  • Better sleep quality.
  • More strength.
  • Increased fat burn.
  • Increased athletic performance.

TestRX is available on

For best results, you should take two capsules twice a day, preferably in the morning and afternoon with 8oz of water.

It is safe to take TestRX every day; it doesn’t require cycling.

You should expect increased stamina and energy within the first month.

More results should be expected within three to six months.

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How does it work?

TestRX box

TestRX is formulated with high-quality ingredients that stimulate more testosterone production.

Testosterone, in turn, increases the rate of protein synthesis, which supports muscle growth. It promotes protein synthesis by binding into androgen receptors in muscle cells, therefore allowing the protein to build muscle.

Additionally, testosterone inhibits cortisol, a catabolic hormone, which breaks down muscle tissue.

TestRX also focuses on improving your sleep quality and providing the body with essential minerals that support natural testosterone production.

With increased testosterone, TestRX promises bigger muscles, increased aerobic performance, weight loss, and enhanced sex drive.

Pros and cons


  • Massive muscle gains.
  • High-quality ingredients.
  • Contains ZMA formula.
  • No cycling.
  • Supports muscle growth, weight loss, and sexual health.
  • Money-back guarantee.


  • Expensive.
  • Should be taken every day to maintain results.
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What are testosterone boosting supplements?

Testosterone boosters are dietary supplements that are taken to increase the level of this hormone in the body – and produce results such as better gym performance!

Majority of these supplements do not contain testosterone but help the body to increase its own production of this masculine hormone.

At the same time, these boosters contain ingredients that restrict and counter the female hormone- estrogen.

They are made from natural ingredients such as herbs, roots and spices coupled with minerals and can be bought without a prescription.

Because they are made from natural ingredients, they do not have nasty side effects, unlike testosterone steroid injections.

Testosterone boosters benefits

Do you want a more muscular body?

Do you want to improve your sex life?

Check out these benefits!

tesosterone boosters benefits and natural testosterone boosters

The effects of low testosterone levels5 can make men feel like they have lost their masculinity.

Constantly fighting fatigue, body fat, low libido and loss of muscle mass can make one quite depressed.

It is to counter this problem that the market has come up with testosterone boosting supplements.

Most of these supplements contain a variety of more or less the same main ingredients.

The difference comes in the amounts used in each formula.

And inevitably this should be one of the important deciding factors when buying a supplement.

Some products might have the right ingredients in little doses, too little to make any significant difference.

Other products miss one crucial ingredient or contain ingredients that have no effect on testosterone levels.

That said a proper and well-balanced testosterone booster should deliver the following:

  • Increased lean muscle.
  • More strength and stamina.
  • Reduced body fat.
  • Improved mood.
  • Enhanced libido.
  • Sharpened focus.
  • Higher self- esteem.

Testosterone supplements side effects

Here’s a guide to the side effects – if any!

Testosterone boosters are made from natural ingredients and therefore do not have any adverse effects.

A few reviews online have revealed mild effects such as headaches or interrupted sleep when first taken.

This, of course, varies with people and their reaction to certain ingredients.

For the most part, these supplements have no bad side effects.

If you suffer from allergies it is important to go through the ingredient list to make sure there is nothing in it that you can react to.

If you have any pre-existing medical condition or you are taking other medication you should consult a doctor before taking these supplements.

Other than that, you’re ready to start building muscle, and improving your sex life!

Who should use testosterone boosters?

Testosterone boosting supplements are for men who find themselves battling with:

  • Low sex drive: have trouble getting aroused, having and sustaining an erection.
  • Loss of muscle mass: you have no energy to work out at the gym, you keep losing muscle and adding belly fat.
  • Irritability: you are constantly angry and depressed.
  • Lethargy: you are tired all the time and cannot sleep well.
  • Low self- esteem: you think of yourself as less of a man.

Because the supplements are natural with no dangerous side effects it can also be taken by any adult looking to:

  • Build muscle.
  • Perform in an endurance event.
  • Improve athletic skill.

Which ingredients should I expect to see in a testosterone booster?

There are specific ingredients that you should expect to see in any t-booster worth it’s salt. Be on the lookout for:

  • D-Aspartic Acid,
  • Fenugreek extract,
  • Zinc,
  • Magnesium,
  • Nettle leaf extract.

How can I decide on which testosterone booster to use?

Unlike other supplements, the aim of testosterone boosters is one- to increase testosterone levels in the body.

Because there are many such supplements in the market before you settle on one, you should look at the ingredients used.

They should have the ability to increase testosterone in the body.

They should also be in the right amounts- watch out for products with weak doses that will not do much for you.

Finally, consider the reputation of the maker as this can tell you a lot about what is in their product.

Should I combine a gym workout with testosterone boosters?

Technically, testosterone boosters do not rely on exercise to work.

It is important to note, however, that if you work out often, having high amounts of testosterone can help your body recover faster from heavy workouts.

The other benefit of t-boosters is increased energy and muscle mass.

Clearly, this muscle mass can only be built by working out.

Having high levels of testosterone also makes you feel good about yourself, and it helps if you look good.

Again, this can be achieved by exercise, eating a healthy diet and getting some good sleep.


It is evident that men experience lower testosterone levels 6 as they age hence the need for testosterone boosters.

Even younger active men involved in strenuous physical activities such as body building need supplements to boost their testosterone levels.

If you are wondering whether these supplements work- yes they do.

But, they are not magic pills and they can only take you so far.

For them to work most optimally you should combine them with exercise and a good diet.

You should also get enough sleep.

If you are now ready to purchase a life- changing testosterone booster please note:

While the market is saturated with products it is useful to check what they contain and in what quantities before making a decision.

In order to get the genuine product and the guarantees offered there in, it’s best to buy from the products official websites.

You will also learn a lot by reading online reviews of what other people are saying about the particular supplement.

You should check out our best testosterone boosting foods guide.

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